Fillmore County DFL
Visit us at our Preston Office!
137 Fillmore Street, Suite #2
(just North of the Courthouse)
Open Tuesdays, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Our Mailing Address:
PO Box 232
Preston, MN 55965
Fillmore County DFL
2022-2024 Officers
2022-2024 Directors
Chair: Christine DeVries
Vice Chair: Vance Haugen
Treasurer: Dennis DeKeyrel
Secretary: Beverly Ruesink
Outreach: Julie Fryer
Julie Fryer Chatfield
Jean Odegarden Chatfield
Kay Spangler Chatfield
George Spangler Chatfield
Vance Haugen Canton TS
Jane Peck Carrolton TS
Eva Barr Fillmore TS
Dennis DeKeyrel Harmony
Aaron Bishop Harmony TS
Bonita Underbakke Holt TS
Linda Tacke Lanesboro
Susan Wiegrefe Newburg TS
Bill Sullivan Pilot Mound TS
Christine DeVries Preston
Jon DeVries Preston
Shona Langseth Preston
Beverly Ruesink Preston
Jon Dahl Spring Valley TS
Donate to the Fillmore County DFL
Help Us Make a Difference with PCRs
The Fillmore County DFL is supported solely by small donations from residents of Fillmore County. Help fight big money in politics by supporting us through the Political Contribution Refund (PCR) Program. The Minnesota PCR Program is a great way for everyday Minnesotans to support local politics. The public finance system, run by the State of Minnesota, allows individuals to donate $50 per person or $100 per couple to a political party of their choice and receive a full refund from the Minnesota Department of Revenue.