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Questions? Contact Julie at

Check our calendar for the latest happenings and event updates.

All indoor activities are held at our office in Preston: 137 Fillmore Street, Suite #2

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Working Towards 2026! Can you help?

The work towards electing Democrats in 2026 is already here. Stay tuned to our calendar and our social media, let us know if you have an idea for a project, and be sure to join our newsletter. We meet the last Monday of the month, locations change to allow us to connect with other areas in the county. Contact Julie ( for more info. 

Preston Office | 137 Fillmore St, Suite #2 (just north of the Courthouse

Our office is open every Tuesday from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm and by appointment. If school is canceled due to weather, we will not be open.

©2020 Website content prepared by Fillmore County DFL, P.O. Box 232, Preston, MN 55965

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